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Waves are main blocks to which you add Courses. Waves also specify when the Registration Form opens and closes (time&date). Make sure to set up your Waves before you go setting up Courses.

1. Open form

Click on Add new Wave. This will open a form for adding a new wave.

2. Fill wave data

Fields description:

  • Title – Wave identification throughout the system. We recommend using obvious names, e.g. Spring 2018 or July-August 2018.
  • Registration From – Select time&date when the Registration Form becomes available. Before this date, Students will only see the text defined in the Settings -> Schedule/Registration -> Open/Closed.
  • Registration To – Select time&date when the Registration Form closes. After this date, Students will only see the text defined in the Settings -> Schedule/Registration -> Open/Closed.

After filling all inputs just click Save and your Wave will be created.

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