Only available with ESR Discount Module
In order to display correct price including the discount in Course Confirmation Emails, you have to use [floating_price] email tag.
How to set it up:
- Go to Settings -> Emails -> General
- Select the checkbox Enable Floating Price
- Use the email tag in Course Confirmation Email

What is the difference between [course_price] and [floating_price]?
- Course Price is a fixed price for the given course (e.g. 100€)
- Floating Price is the price “left to pay” given how much the student was already asked for before
- Your courses cost 100€ each
- You have a 25% discount for 2 courses, 33% for 3 courses
- The student registers for 3 courses
- He gets confirmed for the first course => the price displayed in the email says 100€
- Later he gets confirmed for the second course => the price for 2 courses is150€ (2*100€ minus 25%), but he was already asked for 100€ in the previous email, so the [floating_price] tag will tell him please pay “50€” (what he is missing to pay)
- Then he gets a confirmation for the third course => the price for 3 courses is 198€ (3*100€ minus 33%), but he was already asked for 150€, so the tag will display remaining “48€”
Why is this important?
- If you want to ask your students for payments right after they get confirmed for each course (e.g. “pay within 4 days”)
- To make sure they don’t pay the full price and you would have to refund money back because of the discount